Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just give me some time

The sky outside is so grey its almost black
I will sit in my room curl up in bed in one of your shirts that still smell like you
I'll hide away from the world today. Reality is just too much right now
Every nerve ending is bare to the world
Everything hurts more and feels better at the same time.
Rubbed raw and open to the world
The weight on my chest makes it hard to breathe 
Thank goodness the weight that was on my shoulders is now gone.
I want to hide away from it all, if only for a little while I need to escape.
I will meet the world head on, shoulders square. . . 
Just not right now, I need a few hours.
There are no thoughts running wild through my head
Its quiet, eerily so
I just need some time, to get myself back together
Just give me some time
And I'll be alright 

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