Sunday, November 20, 2011

Best man, never the Groom

Sit here, sit there.
"I only need one diamond and a long string of pearls"
My diamond is my career.
My string of pearls is my family and friends.
This tune wraps me up and restores me to who I am.
It puts a smile on my face and lets me know how valuable I am.
I have everything I need, right here. Right now.
My life is good and getting better by the minute.
Tonight I realized how wonderful this time is.

People never cease to surprise me.
You'd think I would get used to it but I haven't yet.
I kinda think that's a good thing. ha. whatever.
oh well.
You can only do what you can for you.
Get right with yourself and do you.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna get up tomorrow and put on a smile and do me.
I am happy.
I just realized that I don't need someone to be happy.
As long as I have my close friends and my family and my work; I'll be perfectly, incandescently happy.
That's all I need.

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