Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Death of a Butterfly (written after the death of my godbrother, Robert)

I stand in the darkness
A great abyss at my feet
Wind blowing me from behind.
Darkness, Despair.
My tears fall into the abyss
And break like glass in its depths.
My heart beats heavy and sluggish in my chest.
Will it find a fire within and blaze back to life
Will it become bruised and broken, left to wither and die?
I fall into the abyss
Giving myself over, to my grief.
Some say that you must grieve properly 
In order to be able to move on. 
I may simply choose to remain in the dark with my grief.
It keeps me company so that I dont have to go to bed alone.
Deny as I might, the proof is there in the morning when I wake.
A damp pillow case stained with mascara
Testament to another nights tears.

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