Friday, September 21, 2012

See Further

Let something good sit for too long
Someone will come in and snatch it.
It may want to stay and wait
But if the waiting takes too long
It may not be there when you get around to it.

I have learned this lesson in life
And most importantly, in love.
I thought the good thing I had
Would be there when I made up my mind.
It wasnt.
From then on, I vowed to be real
To be upfront about what I wanted, how I felt.

But here I am again,
Stuck in what feels like limbo.
Somewhere between knowing and not knowing.
Hoping, wishing, waiting
For an answer to come soon.
Feeling stuck on a shelf,
Tucked away from the world, hidden,
Spoken of in hushed tones.
But I will not wait too long
Not when the sun peaks over the horizon.

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