Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I am Unforgettable

There is a differnce between "Never look back" and "Never look back with regret"
Life has a strange way of picking you up and dusting you off when you least expect it too
Lately Ive been living in the rubble of a so called life, in fact I have not been living at all
Taking a moment to listen to that small voice in your head when you are wading through the mud and the muck is such a great thing to do. 

Just do it. 

Be reborn again through the laughter of your friends and talking on the phone for two hours at 1:15 in the morning. 

Be reborn.
Be you.

Be washed of all your dispair and heart break and loss.
Be washed in the love and tenderness of friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood. 
Shed all the gloominess and the worry
Get that grey cloud out from over your head and live your live the way it was meant to be lived, alive

Go out and bring someones whole world to a stop. 
Be real. 
Be you. 
Be unforgettable. 

I feel that the hurt and pain are the mechanism by which I have been washed clean and reborn. 
It is only through pain that we find who we are, what we are made of and if we will truly rise above and grow. 


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