Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Fortress

Sit up here above the city
Watch the lights come on as the 
Sun sets.
Eachone, a candle in the night
Burning bright for loves sake
The breeze blows my hair and
Thoughts of you around my head. 
What are we doing?
I dont want to be the girl who 
Needs answers and definiton but
I need them now. 
The mountains behind me are the 
Walls ive thrown up to protect
Myself. I hide behind them
Because it is safe here
I am tired of being safe but I am
Tired of being hurt. 
Stuck at a cross roads
We are at an impass
The lights burn brighter and flicker
Against the blackness
A lone tear escapes
My heart hurts as it pounds 
Against these walls
Crying to be let out
I muffle its cries and push it 
deeper in its box
"its for your own good" I say
Some say I am cold, I believe I am 
just guarded.
I long to be held but if it comes
at the cost of a broken heart, 
That is much too high a cost.
I am scared.
Scared of broken hearts and pain. 
Scared of love and loss. 
Scared of how I feel about you. 
Id rather never tell you than tell
you and have my heart broken.
so I will sit there, laugh and smile 
because nothing is wrong anymore
It is all simply 

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