Friday, April 10, 2015

It Occurs To Me I Am The Creative/Destructive Goddess Coatlicue a poem by Sandra Cisneros

I deserve stones.
Better leave me the hell alone.

I am besieged.
I cannot feed you. 
You may not souvenir my bones,
knock on my door, camp, come in,
telephone, take my Polaroid. I'm paranoid,
I tell you. Lárguense. Scram.
Go home.

I am anomaly. Rare she who
cant stand kinds and can't stand you.
No excellent Cordelia cordiality have I.
No coffee served in tidy cups.
No groceries in the house.

I sleep to excess,
smoke cigars,
drink. Am at my best
wandering undressed,
my fingernails dirty,
my hair a mess.

sorry, Madame isn't 
feeling well today.

Greta Garbo.
Pull an Emily D.
Roil like Jean Rhys.
Abiquiu myself. 
Throw a Maria Callas. 
Shut myself like a shoe. 

Stand back. Christ
almighty. I'm warning. 
Do not. Keep
out. Beware. 
Help! Honey,
this means 

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