Friday, September 28, 2012


As I drove to Houston I had time to think
   back upon things that have happened
in the past few days, weeks, even months.
To think about things I had not thought about
     since the spring. things I had let go of
crept back into my life
   unwanted. unwarranted.
the need to fall apart tore at me but I shoved it down deep.
  I did not have time for it but
also, I did not need for it to happen.
I was strong enough to get over it,
   I am strong enough to get through it now.
But there was one need I could not ignore
      the need for a simple, strong, reassuring hug.
that one simple act, I knew would make things easier to handle.
  I will not put a name to the ghost that has again come to haunt me.
instead, I will move past it and into the arms of someone who cares for me now.

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