Saturday, July 26, 2014


I feel like a fledgling...
Out of the nest but without the tools to fly very well. 
"She's sick of dreams that never take flight" 


I want nothing more than to just spread my wings and fly, but I can't.
I don't know how yet. 
For the first time, my life's dream is finally within reach.
My fingertips brush up against it.
Longing to take it in my hands and grasp it. 
To hold it high overhead and shout, "I did it! Look at what I've made of myself! Look at all I've accomplished! I have arrived."

When will my wings be ready?
How long must I wait?
Must I molt my warm feathers I had as a chick...
Must I transform into someone new...
I want it so badly, I would do almost anything to have it. 
In my life, I have never wanted anything more. 

Not love.
Not family. 
Not friends.

Just this. This one thing. 

Three simple letters...


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